What to Expect-Session & Ordering Guidelines
We do our best to fulfill your needs and meet your expectations. These guidelines are designed to have things written down so our business policies are transparent and you know what to expect. We intend to deliver excellent customer service, now and in the future.
BOOKING DEPOSIT: The booking depsosit is required to hold a session day and time. You may reschedule with a 72 hours notice.
CANCELLATION: If you have a sick pet/child on the day of the session please call to reschedule. If you try to keep the appointment, I will most likely request that you reschedule if we notice your child is sick. Ill or uncomfortable children do not like to be photographed and we know that you will not love your portraits nearly as much as if he or she were in good health.
PAYMENT: Payments can be paid by cash, check or credit card and are due at the ordering session. Payment plans are available by arrangement.
STUDIO POLICIES: Please bring only the subjects to be photographed to the session including siblings and the person that might be helping you to the studio. This is especially important with milestone sessions, as I will need the full attention of the child be photographed.
VIEW AND ORDER: You will view your portraits at a personally attended slideshow. You will be asked to order at this time. Please make sure all decision makers are present since studio promotional offers are only available at this time. Payment in full is due at the view and order session or first payment on a payment plan. Discounts only apply on the day of the view and order appointment.
Thank you!